Timothy Glascock Joins TRI as WOU Campus Against Sexual Assault (CASA) and Campus Suicide Prevention Director

Timothy Glascock Joins TRI as WOU Campus Against Sexual Assault (CASA) and Campus Suicide Prevention Director

Posted on August 16, 2017

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Image description: Timothy Glascock smiles in front of a background of blurred trees.

Timothy Glascock will be joining WOU as the new project director of the WOU Campus Against Sexual Assault (CASA) and Campus Suicide Prevention programs. Both programs are funded by federal grants.

Tim has a bachelor's in psychology and a master’s in public health from Oregon State University. He has worked for a number of years in mental health counseling settings in Corvallis. Tim will start on September 18 as a project director within The Research Institute and will be working closely with Student Affairs.

Thanks to Tina Fuchs (chair), Aislinn Addington, Rebecca Chiles and Jaime Silva for their service on the search committee.

Welcome to WOU, Tim!


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