Child Development Center Gets a New Look

Child Development Center Gets a New Look

Posted on August 16, 2017

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The TRI Child Development Center is getting a new look. 

This summer, staff members from the Child Development Center and the Center on Early Learning pitched in to remove old furniture (some of which had been in service for decades) and clear the space for repainting.

Image description: Gary and Tom lean over to examine a long white shelf.

Image description: Hannah takes a drink from a straw with her hand on her hip. Dana walks past in the background, clapping her hands and laughing.

Image description: With one hand, Gary carries the end of a long, white wooden frame. He holds a hammer in the other hand. Behind him, TRI staff members are talking and laughing.

The new furniture and classroom materials were provided by additional funding from Preschool Promise. Western Oregon University's Facilities Services provided the painting, which will update and upgrade the center to include the university’s colors.

Image description: Gary and Nate wheel a large angled bookshelf out of the Child Development Center's double doors. Behind them, Dana carries a stack of plastic tote lids.

Image description: On the concrete in the Child Development Center's outdoor play area, wooden tables, wooden bookshelves, and stacks of plastic bins sit in the shade of an overhang.

Image description: Mariah walks through the doors of the Child Development Center, waving her hands and smiling.We're excited to see our students in September and can't wait to share the new-and-improved Child Development Center with them.

Many thanks to all the staff who helped out, as well as to Preschool Promise and Facilities Services!


What a wonderful gift for the center! Long past due! :) Congratulations!

Posted Aug 16, 2017 by Christina Little

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