TRI's Robyn Lopez Melton, Dana M Bleakney-Huebsch, and Tom Udell Present at NAEYC Conference

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TRI's Robyn Lopez Melton, Dana M Bleakney-Huebsch, and Tom Udell Present at NAEYC Conference

Jun 10, 2015

TRI's Robyn Lopez Melton, Dana M Bleakney-Huebsch, and Tom Udell Present at NAEYC Professional Development Institute

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development

Articulation of National Standards with Oregon's QRIS: Balancing intent and integrity

Oregon developed, implemented, and evaluated an accelerated entry process for nationally accredited and Head Start programs into Oregon's QRIS. Learn about how standards were crosswalked, the accelerated participation process, and how guiding principles were used to balance the intent of the standards while keeping the integrity of the QRIS.

1. Participants will explore how using guiding principles such as balancing intent of standards with system integrity facilitated the inter-agency articulation work in Oregon and will discuss how guiding principles can be used as a strategy to facilitate high states work across multiple parties.
2. Participants will examine the process used for articulating national standards with Oregon's QRIS standards and learn about the accelerated process for nationally accredited (NAEYC, NAFCC and ACSI) and Head Start programs to achieve a QRIS quality rating.  
3. Participants will discuss Oregon's QRIS field test results from the articulation work including data, lessons learned and stories from current QRIS quality rated accredited and Head Start programs.

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