Aaron East: TRI Member Profile

Traffic Safety Education Grant Coordinator

345 N. Monmouth Ave / Todd Hall 218
Monmouth, OR 97361

(503) 838-9237

Aaron earned his baccalaureate of science in 1987 from Western Oregon State College with a major in law enforcement and minor in business administration. Aaron's primary expertise is program and financial management. He has worked in the field managing programs in the areas of military service, criminal justice and early childhood for 25 years. Aaron started at TRI in 2013 as a Grants Financial Specialist. When not working, Aaron enjoys playing golf, wine tasting and hiking the red rocks of Sedona Arizona.

The Research Institute : Western Oregon University : 345 N. Monmouth Ave. : Monmouth, OR 97361
Contact Us: 800-438-9376 | info@triwou.org