21st CCLC Youth Work Methods Workshops

Improving the outcomes of students in Oregon's 21st CCLC programs

21st CCLC Youth Work Methods Workshops

The Youth Work Methods are powerful strategies for working with young people, bringing together over fifty years of experience and the latest research in positive youth development. These interactive and hands-on courses provide participants with practical skills that are geared to improve the quality of interactions with youth.

The workshops in the Youth Work Methods series are aligned with the Youth PQA. After gathering data from a program self-assessment and creating a plan for improvement, program managers can choose to offer trainings to program staff that are aligned to their improvement plan.

These courses are available for free to all 21st CCLC programs in Oregon.

For more information and to schedule training, contact Candi Scott at 503-838-9204 | scottc@wou.edu.

Descriptions of each course

The Research Institute : Western Oregon University : 345 N. Monmouth Ave. : Monmouth, OR 97361
Contact Us: 800-438-9376 | info@triwou.org