CDC Philosophy

CDC Philosophy

We believe that children are active learners and unique individuals.  They learn according to a developmental sequence, progressing at their own pace. We also believe all children are best served in inclusive settings where attitudes of understanding and acceptance can be fostered

We see the teacher as a facilitator of the learning process who is sensitive to developmental and individual needs. The teacher is respectful and flexible in dealing with children.  We believe that the appropriate curriculum will address the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical needs of the children.

We believe the environment should be aesthetically pleasing and stimulating.  It should be planned in a manner to provide choices, quiet and active spaces and should respond to the developmental and individual needs of children.

We believe that classroom management/discipline incorporates proper organization of the environment, appropriate activities and clear expression of expectations with natural and logical consequences.  Our classroom management employs a positive approach, combining consistency with empathy.

There should be an atmosphere of mutual support between parents and staff in order to create an effective learning environment.  We believe that parents need to be informed and have opportunities for involvement in classroom activities.

The Research Institute : Western Oregon University : 345 N. Monmouth Ave. : Monmouth, OR 97361
Contact Us: 800-438-9376 |