TRI Publications

Intervention Targets for Youth With Disabilities in Foster Care

Author(s) Robin Harwick, Ashli Tyre, Kay Beisse, & Cathy Thomas
Date March 1, 2015
Published in School Psychology Forum: Research in Practice, 9(1)
Citation Harwick, R., Beisse, K., Tyre, A., & Thomas, C. (2015). Intervention Targets for Youth with Disabilities in Foster Care. School Psychology Forum: Research in Practice, 9(1), 5-20.


This article will focus on students with disabilities in foster care to help school psychologists identify effective school-based interventions for these students. We will report our findings from three independent studies and then apply the findings to suggest targeted interventions for these students that are intended to improve educational and long-term outcomes. Three intervention targets that emerged from our research and extant literature as particularly influential will be discussed: disability, stability, and relationships.

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