TRI Publications

Oregon’s Transition Resource Handbook 2015-16

Author(s) Sally Simich, Pattie Johnson, & Cathy Thomas
Date October 5, 2015
Published in Oregon Department of Education
Citation Simich, S., Johnson, P. & Thomas, C. (Eds.). (2015). Oregon’s Transition Resource Handbook 2015-16. Salem, OR: Oregon Department of Education.


Transition planning is most successful when it is a student driven process starting the year the student turns 16, and involving the family, regular education teacher, special education teacher, agency representative if appropriate, and school district representative. This Resource Handbook contains informational materials for educators, along with sections for educators to use when working with other community partners, and information to share with students and families. This handbook is designed to provide the basics around various transition topics to help educators when designing transition plans with students and their families as they navigate the transition pathway from school- based services into adult services.

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