TTAN Resources, Curriculum

Tips for navigating this page.

Our resource section is now organized by the 4 Indicators: Graduation, Drop Out, Transition and Post School Outcomes.

Each indicator has a list of categories at the top of the page. When the category is selected, the category will expand into a list of resources.

To filter resources for a specific audience, click one of the grey tabs labeled teacher, student, family, agency, or administrators. To change the filter to a different audience simply click on one of the other grey tabs.


Access Implementation Guide


Career Bingo

Download: Career Bingo.pdf 

Career Bridge: Where are You Going?

Download: Career Bridge.Where Are You. Student Workbook.pdf 

Career Exploration Worksheets

Download: Career Exploration_Worksheets.pdf 

Career Exploration Worksheet Answer Keys

Download: Career Exploration Worksheet AnswerKeys_07.pdf 

Expanded Top Ten Employee Skills

Download: Expanded top ten employee skills.pdf 

Informational Interview for Colleges and Military

Download: Informational Interview form for Colleges and Military.pdf 

Informational Interview for Business

Download: Informational Interviewing for Business.pdf 

Putting Feet On My Dreams

Download: Putting My Foot on My Dreams Self Determination Curriculum.pdf 

Self Determination Materials & Resources

Download: Self Determination_Resources-Materials_List with links and prices.pdf 

Visualize the Future

Download: Visualize the Future-star and explanation March 2014.doc 

Websites for Curricular Materials, Information, and Resources

Download: Websites_for_curricular_materials_information_and_resources.docx 

Websites for Instruction and Assessment for a Food Handlers Card

Download: Websites for instruction and assessments for a food handlers card.docx 

The Research Institute : Western Oregon University : 345 N. Monmouth Ave. : Monmouth, OR 97361
Contact Us: 800-438-9376 |