Abby's House App - From a Student's Perspective

Abby's House App - From a Student's Perspective

Posted on February 16, 2015

3 comments 1623 Views

By Taylor Leech

We have all heard the horror stories about the assault that can happen in college, so naturally I was worried when I first came to WOU. Luckily, I learned about Abby’s House and all of the great services they provide. Not only do they provide resources for sexual violence, but they also have information on a multitude of subjects like women’s health, depression, and gender identity. And now they have the Abby’s House mobile app that brings even more peace of mind with resources and services for dating violence and sexual assault available at your fingertips!

Abby's House App Home

My favorite parts about this app are the quick tips and articles under the “Home” tab. Before reading the section under this tab on reporting an incident, I had no idea that there was an anonymous report form available at WOU, which the app has a link to. These forms provide data regarding incidences of sexual and dating violence of students on or around campus, help the staff at WOU plan a response to violence of students, and give an understanding of the campus atmosphere. All of these things are important for taking steps to bring awareness to sexual assault on college campuses, and hopefully someday eliminate it.

I also think that the section on sexual assault myths and their realities is extremely beneficial. While reading through the myths, I realized that I have heard many of them before and the realities listed do a great job at debunking these myths and educating people on the real truth.

Abby's House App Map and Pins

The “Map” tab is also a neat feature that I have never seen before! It shows red pins indicating places to receive help and information in relation to your location on campus. A few of these places are Campus Public Safety, Student Health and Counseling Center, and the WUC where Abby’s House is located. This is helpful for finding your way around, especially for those who are not familiar with the campus. The list of contact information for counseling services, domestic violence shelters, and law enforcement under the “Contact” tab has over 15 different places to contact. With this many resources, there is no doubt you can find the help you are searching for.

I think that this app is very successful at bringing awareness and assistance to the growing issue of assault on college campuses. It is an incredibly helpful extension of Abby’s House and an accessible way for students from all over, as well as other women in the Monmouth community who are seeking help, to find the answers and services that are right for them…at the push of a button! As a student, it is comforting to know that there is an organization on campus willing to help and provide knowledgeable resources to its students and the community.


This was a very well written and informative article.

Posted Feb 11, 2015 by Matt L.

Dear Taylor,
I think this article is great in bringing awareness to this cool new app and also did a great job on the highlights of this app. I think that the more people are aware of this app the more beneficial to the WOU community it will be. However, I didn't really agree on the idea that it is a "growing issue". I think Sexual Assaults, Harassment, Stalking, etc. have been around for a long time and have only become more noticed recently. On a positive note this article is great and you did awesome.

Posted Feb 17, 2015 by Kevin G.

Really well written blog post! This is such an important topic. How fortunate WOU is to have an app to help us all learn and stay informed about ways to prevent sexual assault.

Ella Taylor

Posted Feb 22, 2015 by Ella Taylor

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