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Autism Resources

Jun 5, 2014
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Autism Resources for Parents

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Oregon Autism/Asperger's Resources

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Preparing For Life, The Complete Guide for Transitioning to Adulthood for those with Autism and Asperger's Syndrome. by Dr. Jed Baker. Future Horizons
A life skills training curriculum for adolescents with autism and Asperger's syndrome.
Realizing the College Dream with Autism or Asperger Syndrome. A Parent's guide to Student Success. Ann Palmer. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
An advice book written by a parent for parents of adolescents with Asperger's Syndrome preparing to transition to college.
Asperger's Syndrome. A Guide for Parents and Professionals. Tony Attwood. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
This book would be especially helpful to parents who want to learn about Asperger's Disorder. Tony Attwood is considered one of the leading professionals in the world on this subject. This book is very readable and understandable to people who don't have a lot of familiarity with these issues.
First 100 Days Kit. Autism Speaks
The first 100 Days Kit is a "recipe" book for parents who feel overwhelmed with the world of autism, and don't know where to begin. It offers step-by-step guide for wading through the various treatment approaches, and is loaded with references to resources. Go to the Autism Speaks website to order a copy. You can print it from the website, but be aware that it is about 80 pages long.
Siblings of Children with Autism: A Guide for Families. Sandra L. Harris & Beth Glasberg. Woodbine House.
This book will help parents explain autism to siblings of different ages. It will also provide strategies to help siblings share their thoughts and feelings about how their family is different and their role concerning the autistic child. Much practical advice on how children can share time together is also offered.
Autism. Understanding the Disorder. Gary Mesibov. Klewer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Dr. Mesibov is a psychology professor at the University of North Carolina and well known Director of the TEACCH Program (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication-Handicapped Children).
Living with a Brother or Sister with Special Needs: A Book for Sibs. Donald L. Meyer. University of Washington Press.
Written for siblings themselves, this book provides a range of information on specific disabilities, the sibling experience, and sibling-specific issues such as "What happens when my sibling grows up?" or "What should I tell my friends about my sibling?"
Children with Autism: A Parents' Guide. Michael D. Powers (editor). Woodbine House.
Covers a multitude of concerns, including daily and family life, early intervention, educational programs, legal rights, advocacy, as well as a chapter on adults with autism. Latest information on current diagnostic criteria, Applied Behavior Analysis, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), autism advocacy via the Internet, and much more.

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