

Technology & Information Management Services (TIMS)

TIMS provides a variety of technical services and supports including: web and mobile application development; data collection; analysis and reporting; database design; graphic design; and consultation.

Oregon Department of Education Post School Outcomes (PSO) Secondary Transitions Group
To facilitate the sharing of information in the area of post-secondary outcomes, TIMS has created a collaborative work space for educators working with issues relating to successful transition from school to adult life for students. The topics will be developed through questions from the field, materials submitted by group members, or items posted by Jackie Burr, the site moderator. This group offers an opportunity to connect with others around Oregon. Please include your interests in your profile that you complete when you join the group.

Transition Community Network (TCN)

The Transition Community Network site was created to provide a "one-stop shop" for resources related to transitioning youth with disabilities to adulthood in Oregon. This site has links to resources for students, families, teachers, administrators, and supporting agencies to create opportunities for the students to achieve successful futures, and materials for districts to help complete the Post School Outcomes (PSO) Follow Up collection to learn how Oregon students are doing one year out of school.

The Research Institute : Western Oregon University : 345 N. Monmouth Ave. : Monmouth, OR 97361
Contact Us: 800-438-9376 |