Technology and Information Management Services

About TIMS

The Technology and Information Management Services (TIMS) group at TRI uses technology as a tool to enhance and support agency and client services. TIMS has collaborated with the Oregon Department of Education to provide analysis and reporting for special education information for nearly 20 years. As education in Oregon uses data based decision making for district accountability, TIMS provides the tools to get data into district hands and resulting analysis into the state data system.

By successfully competing for Federal grants fund, TIMS and ODE have become a leader in special education data collection and reporting systems to provide timely and accurate data to the nearly 200 districts for development of their annual improvement plans.

The Multi Year Data Base annually produced by TIMS currently summarizes the past 23 years of special education data collection and reporting in Oregon. It is used by state and district personnel to create graphic pivot charts that can instantly show inter-relationship of demographics and reporting variables. This product highlights the value of the long and supportive service of WOU TRI data personnel to a state agency.

TIMS has provided non-profit organizations with well designed and developed websites within their budgets. TIMS has also worked with large agencies in the design and development of database linked Websites.

TIMS supports various organizations with data analysis, database design and development. TIMS uses MS SQL, MYSQL and Access as platforms for designing and developing databases.

TIMS is also designing and building web-based data handling applications inside WOU, around Oregon, and in other states. Services include web design, database management, data analysis, mobile application design, graphic design, and technology support for web based applications.

Impact of TIMS Center

  • Data collection, analysis, and reporting: 197 districts in Oregon
  • Data system development: Oregon, Vermont, Nevada, Utah, Washington D.C.
  • Our clients include non-profit centers, campus departments, state agencies, and national Centers.

Meet the TIMS Staff

The Research Institute : Western Oregon University : 345 N. Monmouth Ave. : Monmouth, OR 97361
Contact Us: 800-438-9376 |