Transition Resources, Forms and Procedures

Tips for navigating this page.

Our resource section is now organized by the 4 Indicators: Graduation, Drop Out, Transition and Post School Outcomes.

Each indicator has a list of categories at the top of the page. When the category is selected, the category will expand into a list of resources.

To filter resources for a specific audience, click one of the grey tabs labeled teacher, student, family, agency, or administrators. To change the filter to a different audience simply click on one of the other grey tabs.


Exit Interview & Instructions

Download: 19-20 Exit Interview - English

Download: 19-20 Exit Interview - Spanish

Download: Instructions - Exit Interview

Agreement to Participate: IDEA Students

Follow Up

Follow Up Interview & Instructions

Download: 19-20 Follow up Interview - Spanish

Download:19-20 Follow up Interview Handout - Spanish

Download: 19-20 Follow up Interview Handout - English

Download: 19-20 Follow up Interview - English

Download: Follow-Up Telephone Script & Local Resources

Download: Contacting Hard-to-Find Youth: Strategies for PSO Interview

PSO Postcard

Download: PSO Postcard_2 up.docx

Download: PSO Postcard_2 up_Spanish.docx

Download: PSO Postcard_4 up.docx

Download: PSO Postcard_4 up_Spanish.docx

PSO Other Information

Download: PSO 2018_At A Glance 

Download:  PSO Follow Up Measurements

Forms and Procedures

Basic Instructions for the PSO application 2.0

Download: Basic Instructions for the PSO application 2.0

The Research Institute : Western Oregon University : 345 N. Monmouth Ave. : Monmouth, OR 97361
Contact Us: 800-438-9376 |