TTAN Resources, Teacher Resources

Tips for navigating this page.

Our resource section is now organized by the 4 Indicators: Graduation, Drop Out, Transition and Post School Outcomes.

Each indicator has a list of categories at the top of the page. When the category is selected, the category will expand into a list of resources.

To filter resources for a specific audience, click one of the grey tabs labeled teacher, student, family, agency, or administrators. To change the filter to a different audience simply click on one of the other grey tabs.

Teacher Resources

Agency Partners

Download: Agency Partners -ODE and Oregon Council for Dev Dis.pdf 

Job Club Manual

Download: Teacher Resource - Job Club Manual.pdf 

Person Centered Training Manual

Download: Teacher Resource - Person Centered Training Manual.pdf 

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Handbook

Download: Teacher Resource - Supplemental Security Income.pdf 

Interest and Goal Assessments

Download: Teacher Resource -Interest and Goal Assessments - Secondary.pdf 

On the Job: Stories From Youth With Disabilities

Download: Teacher Resource- On the Job - Stories from Youth With Disabilties. article.pdf 

Renolds SD Community Work Experience Packet

Download: Teacher Resource- Renolds SD Community Work Exp packet.pdf 

Career Activities

Download: Teacher Resources - Career-Activities.pdf 

Transition Guidance for Teachers

Download: Teacher Resources - Transition Guidance for Teachers ODE and Oregon Council for Dev Dis.pdf 

Transition Needs Chart

Download: Transition Needs Chart-Used to track services over time.docx 

Planning for Real Life After School

Download: Teacher Resource - Planning for Life After School.pdf 

Career Development and Exploration Resources for K-8

Download: Teacher Resources - Career-k8-Resources.pdf 

Youth Pathways to Postsecondary and Employment (GRADS 360)

This site brings together five different National Youth-Focused Training and Technical Assistance Centers, funded by the US Department of Education’s Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) and Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), as well as the US Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP). These five centers are working together to provide technical assistance and training to state/local agencies and programs to build successful pathways to postsecondary and employment opportunities for youth and students with disabilities. 

The purpose of this website is to serve as a cross boundary Community of Practice for professionals who share a passion and a vision for building pathways for students and youth with disabilities to postsecondary education and employment.

The Research Institute : Western Oregon University : 345 N. Monmouth Ave. : Monmouth, OR 97361
Contact Us: 800-438-9376 |