TTAN Resources, Assessments & Career Development

Tips for navigating this page.

Our resource section is now organized by the 4 Indicators: Graduation, Drop Out, Transition and Post School Outcomes.

Each indicator has a list of categories at the top of the page. When the category is selected, the category will expand into a list of resources.

To filter resources for a specific audience, click one of the grey tabs labeled teacher, student, family, agency, or administrators. To change the filter to a different audience simply click on one of the other grey tabs.

Assessments & Career Development

AIR Self-Determination Scale: Educator Form

Download: air-self-determination-educator.pdf 

AIR Self-Determination Scale: Parent Form

Download: air-self-determination-scale-parent-form.pdf 

AIR Self-Determination Scale: Student Form

Download: air-self-determination-scale-student-form.pdf 

AIR Self-Determination Scale: Student Form - Spanish

Download: air-self-determination-scale-student-form-spanish.pdf 

AIR Self-Determination Scale and User Guide

Download: air-self-determination-user-guide.pdf 

Career Education Activities by Grade Level

Download: Career_actvts_by_grade.pdf 

Career Bingo

Download: Career.Bingo.pdf 

Career Family Tree

Download: Career.Family.Tree.pdf 

Career Speakers

Download: Careerspeakers.pdf 

Career Development and Assessments - Websites

Download: Career Development and Assessments - Websites.docx 

Casey Life Skills - Youth

Download: Casey Life Skills - Youth II Sample.pdf 

Casey Life Skills Assessments

Download: Casey Life Skills_assessments_EducationHS-Sample.pdf 

Individual Supports Assessment Form

Download: Individual.supports.assessessment.form.pdf 

Informal Assessments for Transition Planning

Download: Informal Assessments for Transition Planning.Reproducibles.pdf 

Interest Survey

Download: InterestSurvey.pdf 

Job Site Analysis Survey

Download: JobSiteAnalysisSurvey.docx 

Lane VR Schools - Work Experience Evaluation Form

Download: Lane VR.Schools - Work Experience Evaluation Form.docx 

List of Career Exploration and Development Resources

Download: List of Career Exploration and Development Resources K-8.pdf 

Occupation Review

Download: Occupation Review.docx 

Quickbook of Transition Assessment

Download: Quickbook_of_Transition_Assessment.pdf 

Situational Assessment

Download: Situational assessment.pdf 

Skills Bingo

Download: SKILLS_Bingo.pdf 

TAGG Overview

Download: TAGG Overview.pdf 

TAGG Example

Download: TAGG example.docx 

Transition Fact Sheet

Download: Transition_fact_sheet.pdf 

Transition Assessment Implementation Timeline

Download: Transition.Assessment.Implementation.Timeline 1-2015.nsttac.pdf 

The Research Institute : Western Oregon University : 345 N. Monmouth Ave. : Monmouth, OR 97361
Contact Us: 800-438-9376 |