TRI Staff Present on Early Motor Development

Improving the outcomes of students in Oregon's 21st CCLC programs

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TRI Staff Present on Early Motor Development

Drs. Carol Leitschuh and Patti Blasco presented on Early Motor Development at Chemeteka Community College on November 5, 2014, to an Early Childhood class.

The 26 students expressed appreciation for Dr. Leitschuh's physical demonstration of early motor movements such as the three-point crawl vs the four-point crawl (three-point uses both arms/hands with just one knee vs a more typical both hands and both knees). Dr. Leitschuh also shared engaging videos that demonstrated a child's movements and domain expression (verbal, cognitive, social, emotional) as they progressed from infancy to toddlerhood.

Dr. Blasco gave lively examples of the "the range of typical development" expected at these ages: not all children do the same activities at the same developmental time. That is typical as there is an accepted range in the age when children will demonstrate different skills. She assisted the students in understanding early reflexive/involuntary movements that give way to purposeful/voluntary movements as the brain develops further.

In addition, faculty met with both Carol and Patti to discuss future collaborations.

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