TRI Staff Present at NAEYC

Improving the outcomes of students in Oregon's 21st CCLC programs

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TRI Staff Present at NAEYC

TRI's Center on Early Learning staff, Tom Udell, Robyn Lopez-Melton, Dana Bleakney-Huebsch, and Pat Aldrich presented at the2014  National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Annual Conference in Dallas, Texas during November. 

Tom Udell, Robyn Lopez-Melton, Dana Bleakney-Huebsch and Pat Aldrich

The presentations highlighted accomplishments by the Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) project. QRIS is a program that strives to support and increase the quality of child care and early learning programs. The system recognizes and rewards quality programs while supporting ongoing improvement by providing tools, financial incentives and technical assistance. The first presentation focused on the use of a portfolio system to document quality standards for child care and early learning programs in Oregon. A second presentation described efforts to improve the portfolio process for programs that are already nationally accredited by an organization such as NAEYC.  In addition, Robyn Lopez-Melton was asked to present on a panel addressing the XYZ generation working in the early childhood field with regards to their mobility, purchasing power and educational level.

The Research Institute : Western Oregon University : 345 N. Monmouth Ave. : Monmouth, OR 97361
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