Robyn Lopez Melton Honored as 2015 Emerging Leader in Early Childhood Education

Improving the outcomes of students in Oregon's 21st CCLC programs

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Robyn Lopez Melton Honored as 2015 Emerging Leader in Early Childhood Education

Robyn Lopez-MeltonTRI’s Robyn Lopez Melton received another national honor, and we at TRI couldn’t be prouder.

Last year, Robyn was appointed to the Nominating Panel of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

The Nominating Panel helps this nationally recognized organization choose its leadership for the next three years. 

Robyn Lopez Melton - Emerging Leader

Now, Robyn has been recognized by Exchange Press as an Exceptional Emerging Leader in the field of early childhood education.

What is the Emerging Leader Award?

Emerging Leader Certificate

In November 2014, Exchange Press announced a search for emerging leadership in the field of Early Care and Education. “We undertook the search as treasure hunters, seeking what we knew to be there but which we could not see,” according to their website.

Robyn was chosen as one of 50 Emerging Leaders who were designated as Exceptional.

"To live an inspired, purposeful life..."

In the Directory of Exceptional Emerging Leaders, Robyn states, “My mission is to live an inspired, purposeful life that inspires others and leaves the world a better place for my children. I chose to work in early learning system building because I have the opportunity maximize my impact on children and families and the future of our community, country, and globally.”

Polk Partners for Young Children (PYC) presenting Robyn with a certificate

                        Polk Partners for Young Children (PYC) recognized Robyn during their May meeting

Every day at TRI, we see the contributions Robyn makes to the field of early childhood education and development. We are glad that her light shines bright enough for others to see it – and that her heart reaches wide enough to improve the lives of children and families across the country.

From her friends and colleagues at TRI, a heartfelt congratulations!

Learn more about the Exchange Leadership Initiative.

Exchange is committed to supporting early childhood professionals worldwide in their efforts to craft early childhood environments where adults and children thrive – environments that foster friendship, curiosity, self-esteem, joy, and respect; where the talents of all are fully challenged and justly rewarded.

For over 30 years, Exchange Press, Inc. has promoted the exchange of ideas among leaders in early childhood programs worldwide through Exchange magazine, books, and training resources.

The Research Institute : Western Oregon University : 345 N. Monmouth Ave. : Monmouth, OR 97361
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