TRI Child Development Center Helping to End Hunger

Improving the outcomes of students in Oregon's 21st CCLC programs

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TRI Child Development Center Helping to End Hunger

During the month of February the children at the TRI Child Development Center and their families participated in the Governor's 2014 Food Drive. All through the month, the classrooms focused on topics to give the children an understanding of the effects of hunger. The children helped to create the food donation boxes that were placed in each classroom. Then throughout the month the children and families brought in food to donate to the local food bank. This year they collected over 200 pounds of food to go to needy families.

On March 3rd, each classroom was able to personally deliver the food they had collected to the local food bank truck.

The Research Institute : Western Oregon University : 345 N. Monmouth Ave. : Monmouth, OR 97361
Contact Us: 800-438-9376 |