TRI and Partners Awarded $500,000 Grant

Improving the outcomes of students in Oregon's 21st CCLC programs

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TRI and Partners Awarded $500,000 Grant

Western Oregon University, Central School District, Dallas School District, Falls City School District, and Perrydale School District, as part of the Mid-Willamette Valley Promise Consortium, Awarded $500,000 Grant

A consortium consisting of the Teaching Research Institute along with Central School District, Dallas School District, Falls City School District, and Perrydale School District was awarded a $500,000 grant by the Oregon Department of Education. The consortium, Mid-Willamette Valley Promise, will collaborate to expand the ways that high school students in Marion, Polk and Yamhill counties can participate in college-level classes, as well as earning college credits or certificates while attending high school. More information.

The Research Institute : Western Oregon University : 345 N. Monmouth Ave. : Monmouth, OR 97361
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